Thermal Shock Testing

The thermal dizziness test, also known as the temperature dizziness test or temperature cycling, rotates the open element at low and high temperatures to accelerate disappointment caused by repeated temperature changes under typical usage conditions. During the thermal vertigo test, the progress between temperature limits was rapid, more prominent than 15°C at any time.
On the other hand, temperature cycling tests use a slower rate of progress between high and low temperatures. As mentioned in the recent DES blog post Temperature Cycling Test:Coffin-Manson Equation, the disappointment rate increase rate of the thermal stun test depends on the Coffin-Manson condition. Single or different chamber hardware can be used to perform thermal stunning. When using a single-chamber thermal dazzle fixture, objects or evidence are left indoors, and the indoor air temperature is rapidly cooled and heated. This usually results in a slower rise in the reaction temperature of the product, because the entire chamber must be cooled and heated.
However, larger items can be tested in a single compartment. Some teams use separate hot and cold rooms, and use lifting equipment to transfer items between at least two rooms. This leads to a significantly faster rate of progress than at all temperatures. However, there are size and weight limitations that can be placed in the chamber using a lifting device. DES has two types of chambers for thermal stunning. When conducting a thermal glare test, the upper and lower temperatures must be carefully determined.

As determined by the Coffin-Manson conditions, a larger difference between the temperature of the test chamber and the temperature of a typical item will produce a higher rate increase factor. In any case, the correct temperature limit should be selected so as not to exceed the critical point of the material characteristics of the product as much as possible. For example, higher temperatures that exceed the melting point of any material in the article may cause invalid test failures. In this way, by carefully arranging thermocouples near the component or test, it is important to correctly estimate and observe these temperatures during the test.
Variables that may affect the test limit include the thermal mass of the sample, the number of tests, and the wind flow around the sample, which is based on the separation of the sample in the chamber. Keep in mind the residence time of a particular test at all temperatures, as well as the resistance near high and low temperatures. The test strategy can also determine the minimum temperature change rate. The components can be controlled or de-energized during the heat shock test. The items to be controlled during the test require a link that is long enough to reach the outside of the chamber and can be installed in the chamber feed. has been involved in heat shock tests for a long time and can help customers use appropriate test conditions for testing. Therefore,
if you don't know what test conditions to use or what details to choose, then we will help you at this point because we are passionate experts in vertigo testing. Some examples of normal thermal glare test details include:
- MIL-STD-202, method 107,
- MIL-STD-810 thermal shock,
- method 503, MIL-STD-883 temperature shock,
- method 1010, temperature cycle JESD22-A104D,
- temperature cycle